Monday, January 27, 2020

Analysis Of Scrabble, The Board Game

Analysis Of Scrabble, The Board Game Scrabble is a word building multiuser game that consists of tiles which are distributed to the players. Scrabble game can have two to four players and the ultimate objective is to form crosswords on the scrabble board. Scrabble board: The board is of 15*15 square grids. There are exactly 100 tiles available in which 98 of them are marked tiles which are alphabets from A-Z and two anonymous letters [blank tiles] and each alphabet is given a score and a blank letter is given 0 points. In scrabble, each letter have different value depends on the frequency of its usage. Blank tiles can be a substitute for any letter. Tile Values: Letters Q,Z have 10points Letters j, x have 8 points Letters f,h,v,w and y have 4 points Letter k have 5 points Letters b,c,m,p have 3 points Letters d,g have 2 points Letters a,e,i,o,u,s,t,r,n,l have 2 points each Extra points: In the scrabble board we have some squares represent multipliers. If a tile is placed on those squares the tile value is doubled or tripled based on the type of square. Double letter score: If a tile is placed on this square space the tile value is doubled, generally these cells are in light blue colour on scrabble board Triple letter score: If a tile is placed on this square space the tile value is tripled, generally these cells are in dark blue colour on scrabble board Double word Score: If a player place a word on one of these squares, the value of the entire word is doubled.generally, these are found diagonally towards the four corners of the scrabble board and these cells are in light red/pink colour. Triple word Score: If a player place a word on one of these squares, the value of the entire word will be tripled. Generally, these are found on all the sides of the board equidistant from all the corners of the scrabble board. Course of the game: The players are initially given a rack with seven letters known as tiles placed on a rack which can be exchanged from the bag which already consists of the tiles that act as warehouse for storing the letters. To frame a word on the scrabble board, we should place a tile from the rack connecting at least single tile which is already placed on the board. New tiles will be placed on the rack from the sack, based on the number of tiles placed on the board. Each letter will have different point value, so the game strategy is to play words with high scoring letter combinations. (Scrabble rules, 2010). A Dictionary is used to check whether the words formed by the players are valid or not. A player can Pass his chance to opponent. Also we will have another way that when a player clicks on exchange button (for this the player will be given 0 points) it will perform two activities: Firstly it replaces the set of tiles on the rack/stand with new set of tiles and then it will give the turn to the opponent player. If an individual used all his 7tiles on the rack at a time he will be awarded bonus points. Aim: Objective: Requirements: Literature Survey: Random Number Generation Algorithm: The algorithm is used when the user wants to exchange his entire rack of 7 letters with a new set of letters from the bag. The user when tries to click the exchange button, this algorithm needs to run generating the different random letters given to the user for forming a word in his next turn as mentioned in the course of the game. This algorithm can be implemented in several ways by using the function Math.random () that generates numbers between 0 and 1. As the letters need to be generated, they can be converted to characters by multiplying with 26 which represents the number of alphabets (Programming Forums, 2010). System Architecture: The system architecture is useful in the design or developing games as this process comprises of listing the requirements and finding the paths to meet the requirements. In the current design of scrabble board, the requirements are mainly categorized in two different types. The primary thing is to play the game of scrabble. Next priority is given to the implementation of scrabble game with GADDAG or DAWG algorithms. Initial requirement for playing a scrabble are about the software that would be used: 1. Java, platform independent language is used for implementing the game: The key class files that are needed for the initial start-up of scrabble: a. Board b. Rack c. Dictionary. These are the files which are primarily responsible for the user interface view. The user when executes the java file, these classes are initialized. The class file consists of a main function which in turn calls the method board (). The variables that might be used in this class are: tiles, blocks, word, square, and letters. Another method: is initialized once the player starts the game. At the time of initialization, the rack consists of seven letters that are taken from the bag that consists of letters that will be distributed to each player based on the count of the number of letters placed on the board. Rack gets exchanged with a new set of letters if the player wishes to skip his turn by clicking an exchange button. is the class file which fetches the information related to all the letters, their values are stored separately; this is initiated in preliminary step of Start Game. The bag contains all the 26 letters and blank letters. While playing the move, the user mouse events need to be noted. So, the methods: Mouse Clicked (), Mouse Released (), Mouse Pressed (), Mouse Exited (), Mouse Entered () will be defined based on the required events. The drag and drop of letters on the board are noted with the help of Mouse Pressed () and Mouse Released (). If the axis co-ordinates are same for both the events, it is noted that the letter is not placed on the board. Else if the co-ordinates are changed, the letters that are placed are noted. When the user hits the play button, event: Mouse Clicked () triggers and the result: letters that are placed on the board. Thus, the formed word is validated using the dictionary program which will be the implementation of GADDAG algorithm. This can be used in two different situations: a. When the user hits play button, it calculates the number of letters that the user placed on the board an d those many numbers of random letters are placed on the rack. When the user hits exchange button, the program starts here: It selects all the letters are drop them in to the database i.e., (Bag) and provide the player with a new set of letters. Score for each letter and their values are calculated depending on the word formed and tiles under the letter. Logic for scoring goes under this area where a triple letter or triple word or double letter or double word is calculated. Execution Flow: The design of the scrabble is as follows. The first step would be to show a board, a rack and score with initial values zero for all the players. But initially the rack would be showing the seven letters those need to be on the rack for forming a word. Then, the words are formed using these letters on the rack. The letters that are placed on the scrabble is performed by using the methods: Move generation and Go On procedure as explained in the GADDAG algorithm. Moreover, GADDAG algorithm is implemented for the underlying reason of dictionary implementation which validates the word formed. The valid word as mentioned, score of each letter is counted adding all the special tiles (triple or double letter or words). There are certain variables that need to be initialized for the execution of scrabble. There should be a counter that identifies the number of letters placed or number of points awarded. Once the user plays his move with the help of Move generation and Go On procedures, the word is set to check for the validity. The variable validity is set to 0 if the word is not valid and a message that the word is invalid is displayed. Else, if the variable is set to 1 then, the class gets executed. The variable score takes the count of all the points that the player scored and updates the scoreboard for the respective players. Scrabble Board Additional Features: The optional requirements of clicking the exchange button that result in the new set of 7 letters on the rack. Here, the score becomes zero for that turn of the player. Here, the program needs to drop the letters from the rack and retrieve new set of letters. One more additional feature that might be present is Help button: When this button is triggered, the help button results in showing hints for two letter words that can be easily formed when there is a least chance for forming a word. Mouse event that needs to be triggered for this action is Mouse Clicked (). The final option that needs to be placed on the scrabble board is about: Quit button. This triggers the mouse event: Mouse Exited () which will prompt the user if he really wants to quit from the game with a menu options of Yes or No. There is one more way to finish the game. When all the tiles are used and there are no ways in which the tiles can be used for forming a word. The number of points that come from these letters that are present on the rack are calculated. These points are deducted from the total score on the scoreboard. Then, the final scores are compared with each player and the player with more points is considered to be the winner which is obvious result for a game. Technical Specifications: A scrabble board will be designed with the help of swings or Java Server Pages to form a 15*15 tiles board. The board that consists of tiles need to be filled with letters which are represented as images that have score for each corresponding letter. All the letters are stored in a database (mysql) which can be retrieved from the database using the concept of JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). While placing the tiles the concept of counter decrementing or incrementing is used for keeping the timer. Java Server Pages helps the user to design certain web applications in the form of static and dynamic components. The features of JSP technology include constructs that would be used for accessing server side objects and the code is written in text based documents that consists of the responses and requests from and to the server respectively. Swings provide multiple platform independent interfaces that may interact the users and GUI components. These APIs can be imported from the package import javax.swing.*; JDBC: is a Java API that can be used in accessing tables and entities which are stored in a relational database. These coding and technical specifications can be implemented in user friendly interfaces namely Eclipse or NetBeans IDE software where the code can be written to make easier manner of implementation (Java, 2010). Testing: Testing is a part of software development lifecycle. Life cycle of a testing identifies what activities should carry out and when to accomplish those activities. Testing plan should identify the areas to be tested and also it should calculate the risk associated with the implementation. Testing need to be carried until it reaches a checkpoint without any errors. We have different types of testing like unit testing, black box testing, white box testing, Integration testing, End-to-end testing, alpha testing, functional testing,compatable testing etc. Types of Software Testing: Different Testing Types with Details

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Celsus Arguments Against Christianity

The first of 4 arguments I believe to be of importance is that of the virgin birth. Jesus claims to be born of a virgin in the town of Bethlehem. It was said that Jesus was born to a virgin and God himself. When it was time for Mary to give birth she and her husband set off to have God’s son. Because there was no room at an Inn Jesus was born in a stable. On the contrary to what the Christian religion believes Celsus says that Jesus was born to a mother who was a spinner, and his legitimate father a Roman soldier, Panthera (Celsus pg. 57). It seemed as if it ere common knowledge the transgressions that Jesus mother had committed with the Roman. When this was found out Jesus mother was cast out by her carpenter husband and convicted of adultery (Celsus pg. 57). The Jews then went on with the story by saying this was explained by the fact that Herod wanted Jesus killed so they fled to Egypt (Celsus pg. 59). Herod feared that the son of God was going to be born and become the rig htful king taking Herod’s throne. Herod sent out a decree that all male babies born would be put to death.Celsus felt that being a God, Jesus should have not been afraid of death, but yet embrace it like the roman Gods did. He was a king after all, and kings were noble, righteous, brave, and willing to die for their subjects. This argument against Jesus seems to be just the beginning, in my opinion, of the downfall of his character. The next point I feel valid to Celsus arguments is that of the Christian faith and their followers. Celsus argued that instead of Jesus wanting all to follow his disciples seemed to pray on the weak and dumb (Celsus pg. 73-75). Jesus followers were the weak, poor, lame, children, and women.This was hardly the kingdom that was respectable. Roman Gods had kingdoms and armies of all kinds. It takes men, women, children, poor and rich to have a community. This was not the case for Christians. Christians used the excuse that those who were educated, se nsible, or wise were evil (Celsus pg. 72). By welcoming only the weak and slow into the Christian fold it looks as if they can only sell their ideas to those who can’t think for themselves. It was like they were more interested in finding followers that were going to follow them no matter the stakes without any sort of challenge. Christianity seemed to be for the lower lass. This is surprising considering that Christianity was met with resistance from the Roman government where a lot of it needed to be done in secrecy. This seems to be a slap in the face to the Romans who encouraged progression and education, yet felt that loyalty was a must. Roman Gods are that of noble character and moral values. They surround themselves with people of the same likeness. Roman Gods were held to a higher standard and were expected to lead their lands with a moral compass and the best interests of everyone. They did not have the luxury of taking risky or even selfish chances.They had to be th e upmost and noblest of leaders to lead their people to a better life Jesus did not seem to follow this thinking, and surrounded himself with ten or eleven friends that he associated with (Celsus pg. 59) that were less than moral men, yet he was gaining followers (Celsus pg. 57). This was very dangerous to Rome. The next argument that seems to be of merit was that of GOD being God. In the reading Celsus makes points that the Christian God is nothing like the Greek and Roman Gods. The Christian God seemed as if he did not have an explanation as to why he let things happen to Good people.He did not have anyone he answered to. The Roman Gods and Kings were the authority of the land, but did not have the right to be reckless with their kingdoms and subjects. The decisions the Romans made affected everyone under their reign, and they made sure that what was done was done in the best interests of all. Not only was it their moral compass, but also an ironclad duty to guide those under thei r authority in the ways of rightness. God did not follow this thinking pattern. God was justified by his followers by saying that it was a test they needed o endure. He was never challenged, or even questioned. Questioning seems to be a bit of taboo. Celsus brings up important points about God being unreachable and unable to save them from harm. My thinking on this was that he was sitting up in the sky watching, but doing nothing. Celsus points out that God keeps his purposes to himself for long periods of time and just stands by when evil overcomes good (Celsus pg. 77). Instead of stopping the suffering that going on he continued to let it happen. He just stood by when plagues, fires, earthquakes, and famines riddled the land.It is hard to fathom God being all knowing and all mighty, yet he sits around and watches as thousands of his followers are killed through these disasters that he could have ceased with a single command or swipe of his hand. It does not seem to be something th at a God with love for his children would let happen if he truly loved them like Christians claim. Instead his followers continued to believe that they just needed to have faith and they would be delivered. For Christians God, in likeness, is thought to be as man is with hands, body, and a voice that he uses to speak to his followers.In fact, it says man is made of God’s likeness and image (Celsus pg. 103). Celsus disagreed with this point wholeheartedly. That is not how God is at all. It was known that the true God in his infinity is without shape or color (Celsus pg. 103). Celsus also showed discord in the fact that God is all powerful, but did nothing to save his own son from torture and death (Celsus pg. 39). Instead of using divine power, he let his son die a humiliating death. Kings and Gods would not have let this happen. They would have protected their own with everything they had, even if this meant their own deaths.The last argument that seemed to have merit for me in this book would have to be that of Christianity being unoriginal, and taken instead from many other religions. Instead of being something original and brought about by itself. The Christian faith is just a melting pot of many other religions and laws. It is said that Moses wrote their history so it reflected them in a positive light. His doctrine was not only held by him, but many other nations and cities such as Egypt, Assyrians, Indians, Persians, Gaul, Getae, and so on (Celsus pg. 55). Many of the laws that are eld by Christianity were given their start by other nations. Even circumcision was said to be started by another society and picked up by the Jews. It seems as if all the facts are more of fables and stories from other people. It is even said that God’s wisdom and man’s goes back to Heracleitus and Plato (Celsus pg. 93). Homer even writes about the Christians beliefs in the afterlife or resurrection. He says â€Å"The gods will take you to the Elysian pla ins at the end of the earth, and there life will be easy† (Celsus pg. 109). This is one of the biggest draws to the Christian faith.Everyone wants to believe that this life is not all there is to life. They want to believe there is life after death. It makes a person feel better about their lives. My point to this is that if the life hereafter is founded on someone else’s principles, what is honest and original about Christianity? I think the thing that was the most eye opening point to me was the fact you always here the prophesy of this God and how he was slapped on a the cheek, and he did nothing in retaliation, except turn the other cheek. Plato shares the same sentiments when he is talking toSocrates in the Crito (Celsus pg. 113).. He talks about never ever doing wrong to someone even if they have avenged us first. He says that in doing that because we were wronged first, it is no different than if we had harmed the person first. Plato says it best in an exerpt â⠂¬Å"So we should never take revenge and never hurt anyone even if we have been hurt† (Celsus pg. 113). I think Celsus was just in thinking Christianity had quite a few flaws in it. Celsus was Looking at it as many should. While they are taught that it is enough to just believe, sometimes that is not enough.Celsus was standing up for his country and his officials. He was putting thought in himself and the rules that were put down. We are taught to stand up for our country. How many times are we led astray by others? Do we simply just take officials word for it that They are doing what is right? I agree with Celsus that you stand for your country and your leaders. I also think and agree that you challenge someone if what they are saying seems to be a bit off. Celsus stood up for his gods and leaders of his country against someone who was threatening their very existence.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Return: Shadow Souls Chapter 23

That â€Å"night† they moved in, choosing the hour while the other estates they passed were darkened and quiet. Elena, Meredith, and Bonnie each picked a room on the upper floor as a bedroom, all close together. Nearby was a luxurious bathing room, with a pale blue and white marble floor and a unique pool shaped like a giant rose, fully large enough to swim in, heated by charcoal, with a cheerful-looking servant to tend it. Elena was delighted with what happened next. Damon bought a number of slaves quietly, in a private sale from a respectable dealer, and then promptly freed them all and offered them wages and time off. Almost all the former slaves were only too happy to agree to stay, and only a few chose to leave or ran away, mostly women in search of their families. The others would remain and become Lady Ulma's staff once Damon, Elena, Bonnie, and Meredith left after freeing Stefan. Lady Ulma, was given a â€Å"senior† room downstairs, although Damon almost had to use brute force to install her in it. He himself chose a room that was an office by day, since he wasn't likely to spend much of the night in the house anyway. There was a slight embarrassment over that. Most of the staff knew of the ways of vampire masters, and the young girls and women who came to sew or who lived on the estate and cooked and cleaned seemed to expect some sort of rota to be worked out, with each of them taking turns at being donors. Damon explained this to Elena, who quashed the idea before it could be implemented. She could tell that Damon was hoping for a steady stream of girls, ranging from flowerlike to red-cheeked and buxom, who would be glad to be â€Å"tapped† like beer kegs for the pretty bangles and baubles that were traditionally given. Elena similarly disposed of the idea of hunting for hire. Sage had mentioned that there were even rumors of a possible Outside connection: a very advanced training course for Navy SEALs. â€Å"And they can come out the world's only vampire seals,† Elena had said sardonically, in front of a group of male slaves this time. â€Å"They can go out and bite sharks. Certainly you guys can go out and hunt some humans like a pair of owls hunting mice – just don't bother to come home afterward, because the doors will be locked†¦permanently.† She held Sage's gaze until her expression became a steely glare and he'd hastened off to do something else around the estate. Elena didn't mind Sage's informal moving in with them. And after hearing how Sage had saved Damon from the mob that ambushed him on the way to the Meeting Place, she had determined in her own mind that if Sage ever wanted her blood, she would give it to him unhesitatingly. After a few days, when he had stayed around the house near Dr. Meggar's and then moved with them into Lady Ulma's compound, she had wondered if her diminished aura and Damon's reticence weren't depriving him of something he should know about. So she'd thrown broader and broader hints at him, until once when he had doubled over, and then, with tears of laughter (but had it only been laughter?) in his eyes, had come over to her and said that the Americans had a saying, no? You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. In his case, he said, you could lead a snarling black panther – her normal mental iconic image of Damon – to water, if you had electric cattle prods and elephant ankusha, bu t that afterward you'd be a fool to turn your back on it. Elena had laughed until she, too, cried, but had still pledged that if he wanted her blood, a reasonable share was his. Now she simply felt glad to have him around. Her heart was too full already, with Stefan, Damon – and even Matt, despite his apparent desertion – for her to be in danger of falling for another vampire, no matter how terminally fit they were. She appreciated Sage as a friend and protector. Elena was surprised at how much she came to rely on Lakshmi as each day passed. Lakshmi had begun as a sort of gopher, doing the running around that no one else wanted to, but more and more, she had become Lady Ulma's maid-in-waiting and Elena's source of information about this world. Lady Ulma was still officially bedridden, and having Lakshmi ready at any time of the day or night, to send messages, was wonderfully convenient. Too, she was someone that Elena could ask questions of that otherwise would get her eyed as if she were crazy. Did they need to buy plates or was food served on a large hunk of dried bread, which acted as a napkin for greasy fingers as well? (Plates had been recently introduced, along with forks, which were all the rage now.) How much were the men and woman of the household entitled to in wages (which had to be calculated from scratch, since no other household paid its slaves a geld, merely clothing them from a community uniform cache, and allowing them one or two â€Å"feast days† a year)? Young as she was, Lakshmi was both honest and bold and Elena was grooming her to become Lady Ulma's right hand, after Lady Ulma had become well enough to be the lady of the house.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sylvia Plath s Life And Life - 1425 Words

â€Å"I have the choice of being constantly active and happy or introspectively passive and sad or I can go mad by ricocheting in between.† (Goodreads, 2013) This is a quote from Sylvia Plath, a poet who faced many obstacles in her life including attempting suicide; getting divorced due to lies and infidelity; and leaving her children behind. Sylvia Plath was born on October 27, 1932 in Boston Massachusetts Plath’s father Otto Plath author of a book on bees. (The Famous People Website, 2013;, 2013). Her father taught at Boston University, where he met Aurelia Schober Plath’s mother who studied to get her master’s degree in teaching. (Academy of American Poet, 2013; Sylvia Plath info, 1999).The two married in January 1932 before†¦show more content†¦Sylvia Plath took interest in art and writing at a young age; she also started keeping a journal and published some of her work. In 1950, Plath was rewarded a scholarship from Smith College. (Academy of American poet, 2013; The Biography Channel, 2013). Plath attempted to commit suicide by overdosing on sleeping pills in her third year of college (Smith College). She was later on diagnosed with depression and treated in a mental health facility. In 1956 she graduated from Smith College. (The Oxford Companion - 1994; The Biography Channel - 2013). In the same year, Plath also, studied at University Newnham College in England, where she met her husband poet Ted Hughes. April 1, 1960, Plath first collection of poetry â€Å"The colossus† was published in England. Soon after, Plath and Hughes had their first child Frieda Rebecca; two years later their second child was born named Nicholas. (A+E Television Networks, 2013; Sylvia, 1999). In 1962, Hughes had an affair which resulted in a separation. (Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 2003; the Poetry Foundation, 2013) and in 1963, Plath published a semi- autobiographical novel, The Bell Jar, and February 11, 1963, Sylvia Plath sealed the rooms between her and her children and committed suicide. Plath placed her head in a gas oven, she was found dead in her own kitchen. (Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine – 2003 and Academy of American Poets - 2013). After Plath’s death Ted Hughes became her